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How Urine Therapy Can Lower The Body's Weight?
Jakarta, Various steps are carried out in order to obtain the ideal body weight. It may just be one of the options by do urine therapy to lose body weight. But must be from the urine of healthy people. Some people who are unsure or feel disgusted when hear that urine therapy is done by drinking his own urine in order to lower the weight of the body. Urine is not a waste product of the body are we that contain toxins. The urine has a content of 95% water, 2, 5% urea as well as mark 2, 5% are amalgams of hormones, enzymes, salt and minerals. Therefore, urine is a blood product is non-toxic (non-toxin) that has not required the Agency at the time and in the end issued from the body. "" Absolute way Urine is sterile for the agency that produced it, the first 15 minutes after the in production, "said Flora Peschek-Böhmer and Gisela Schreiber, author of â € ˜ Urine therapy: nature's Elixir for Good Healthâ € ™, as written from Ehow, Wednesday ( 12/5/2010). Peschek-Böhmer, who runs the Naturopathic Medical Center in Hamburg, Germany, also claimed that the toilet was not clean yg is the threat that more for health than drinking his own urine. Also, even the author of the book ' Urine: The Holy Water ' Harald w. Tietze and Dr. s. k. Sharma author of ' Miracles ' of Urine Therapy ' deliver efficient urine therapy if helping patients to lose weight and improve overall health. But not all urine is healthy, because there are people who consume drugs or alcohol are even making the urine more concentrated looking color. Just a few people who have gallbladder, kidneys and genitals are healthy can wear his art for water therapy. A healthy urine colored would feel a little bitter and salty. When consumed, the urine is not immediately enter into the blood stream, but urine make their way into the digestive system where sorting all the ingredients worked on. Later, as well as the main materials being dumped toxins stored to wear next. With the urine recycled again again and again, as well as facing the flow of blood is more refined. Toxins in the urine actually helps the gut to drain the substance quickly and dispose of any waste, to efficiently lose body weight as well as facilitate the digestive system. As written from Buzzle, urine therapy i.e. do as follows:
Urine in the morning from a healthy person that is urine that is best for consumption
When you start to urinate, let the first urine disposed of, therefore is the urine is unclean (dirty) reply didn't help.
The first time urine has been discarded, tampunglah urine-urine after that by wearing glasses. But do not let the final urine capacity, because the urine it does not have ingredients that are beneficial to the body.
Urine already collected i.e. urine is best for consumption
Urine collected good drink 15 minutes after issued, because urine was sterile and clean masihlah. But after the first 15 minutes would grow until bacterial could harm to the body.
Urine should be taken as the time we drink tea, drink it all SIPs.
Food would effect conferring it immediately on the smell and the color of urine. When you consume foods that are spicy and greasy, so urine smell as well as increasingly more powerful. But if Your consumption of vegetables and fruits, so increasingly more clear urine (slightly yellow) as well as rasa-rasanya such as water. Urine to lose weight tubuhBagaimana urine therapy can lower the body's weight? Urine therapy success to set the weight of the body can already be proven repeatedly. As we know, the public benefits of urine that is to purify the bloodstream. After the purification of the blood done, so treat other problems, up to cleaner, anti toxins as well as the more wholesome. It's just like with exercise and exercise that results in increased blood flow and it resulted in a decrease in body weight. Other problems faced by agencies such as the inefficient provision not hormones, cholesterol and high in fat, as well as some other problems with how soon or not immediately related to body weight, would begin to recover. Some avail other urine therapy which claimed some practitioners of urine but masihlah must be evidenced further include:
Urinalysis can be used either by way of internal or external.
Urine therapy strengthens immune system and the body with it to avoid the occurrence of colds, coughs, flu and infections.
This sort of thing comes in handy in dealing with critical fatigue syndrome as well as anemia.
Urinalysis also treat all diseases of the urinary like jaundice, diabetes, asthma, tuberculosis and polio
Gargling with urine helps to clear the throat and gum problems
When the urine is rubbed on the skin, can make the skin look glowing
Urine also works as a natural moisturizer with open pores of the skin and absorb the humidity which is better
Urine that is a natural diuretic
Anti bacterial and anti virus are remarkable
To help treat skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, as well as a wound healer and add more quickly
Treat swelling and edema, as well as glaucoma
To help treat patients who suffer the pain of epilepsy as well as problems of meningitis
Help in treating impotence in men
Avoid heart attacks by dissolving coronary artery and blood clotting.